
Te Tatau o Te Arawa sets up Rotorua Reorua Fund

Media Release

In recognition of this year’s Māori Language Moment, Te Tatau o Te Arawa has established a fund to support iwi, hapū and community-led reorua events and activities.

The charitable trust leads Rotorua Reorua with support from Rotorua Lakes Council which made the declaration to advance as a bilingual city and district in August 2017.

Te Tatau has secured $20k for its Rotorua Reorua Fund from the Department of Internal Affairs’ Partnership Fund - set aside for reorua centres.

Te Tatau o Te Arawa board member, Rangitiaria Tibble, says hapū, iwi and community groups can apply for the first round of funding of $2k from Monday. (20 Sept 2021)

“To achieve the vision of a vibrant, bilingual Rotorua requires ongoing commitment to contribute to the normalisation, revitalisation, and celebration of te reo Māori within our city and rohe. We’re pleased to make this fund available to support and enable hapū, iwi and community-led kaupapa reorua (bilingual activities and events) that contribute to this goal and help to realise our shared aspirations for te reo Māori.”

She says by supporting the community, the fund will also help bring to life one of the whāinga (goal) in the Te Arawa 2050 Vision.

“Our people told Te Tatau that they want a future that has Te Arawa reo, tikanga and values woven into the lives of our people, our partners and the communities in our rohe,” says Ms Tibble.

The Rotorua Reorua Fund of $2k will be available four times a year over the next two years. Te Tatau o Te Arawa plans to distribute $16k over two years to iwi, hapū and community-led reorua activities and events, while the remaining $4k will be reserved for discretionary reorua projects over the same timeframe.

Guidelines for funding are available HERE. Visit HERE to download a funding application.

Rotorua Reorua Funding Dates:

20 September20 October
1 November30 November
1 February28 February
1 May30 May