The Te Arawa Tangata pou of the Te Arawa 2050 Vision aims to see our uri flourishing across all measures of wellbeing, with a Te Arawa Housing Strategy being a key piece of work to deliver on this.
As such, Te Tatau o Te Arawa has concentrated on efforts to achieve this pou through work in the housing space which has become increasingly important in recent years due to the Rotorua housing crisis and emergency housing situation. Te Tatau o Te Arawa has collaborated with AUT and the University of Canterbury as research partners, to develop a Te Arawa values-based model for housing created with the well-being of people, culture and the taiao at its core. The premise of the model is the Mauri Ora Housing Development Wellbeing Compass which we intend to have underpin all housing development in our rohe.
Te Tatau included in its submissions to the Council on the Future Development Strategy and Annual Plan (2023), we expect that any work related to these documents, including its finalisation, any change to policy, plans of Council and the rollout of future development covered in the final FDS continues to be guided by the model for housing and mauri ora wellbeing compass in conjunction with iwi and hapū co-design and partnership.
We are currently working with whenua Māori entities and whānau to complete case studies around the use and implementation of these tools within papakāinga and other developments in this rohe.
We are also working with Te Arawa Lakes Trust to investigate the opportunity to establish a Te Arawa-wide housing structure including a Community Housing Provider (CHP) as identified in the model for housing.