Ngā Pūrongo | Documents

Kōnae Tūāpapa | Founding Documents

Te Tatau o Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council signed a partnership agreement in December 2015. You can read the agreement by clicking on the button above.

Read more about our deed.

Click on the button above to access the 2050 Te Arawa Vision document

Pūrongo Hui ā-Tau | Annual reports 

Kaupapa/ Take | Projects

Click on the tab above to see the compass.

Click on the button below and scroll to page 10 to read an article about the purpose of the compass. 

Te Arawa - Emergency Housing Response

Presentation by a Te Arawa Working Party. 

Read the board’s submission on the Local Government (Rating of Māori Land) Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament’s Māori Affairs Select Committee in May 2020.

Te Tatau o Te Arawa delivered a presentation about what it does at Taheke Marae in April 2018. You can read the presentation by clicking on the tab above.

Ngā Tono | Submissions

Read our submission on Rotorua Lakes Council's draft LTP (2024 - 2034) 

Te Tatau o Te Arawa strongly opposes the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill. Tono submitted 29 May 2024

Te Tatau partnership review recommendations with Rotorua Lakes Council that will be negotiated on behalf of Te Arawa Uri.

Check out the 2022 Annual Report. This year's AGM is set down for 09 September 2022 at GHA, 1108 Fenton Street Rotorua. 

Proceedings can be watched via the live-stream the Te Tatau o Te Arawa Facebook page at

Te Tatau o Te Arawa submission on the RLC's draft 2023 Annual Plan.

This is a Te Arawa submission on the Draft Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices (Bilingual Signs) Amendment 2023 jointly made by Te Tatau o Te Arawa and Te Arawa Lakes Trust.

Click on the button above to see TToTA's submission to Rotorua Lakes Council on the 2022 Representation Review